We’re just trying to make money to buy a bus.
In an effort to try and subvert existing structures, the homies in Phoenix have been trying to buy a bus. This bang bus will be used as a way to create, destroy, learn, unlearn, play, anti-work, and explore with one another. Phoenix lacks the kind of meaningful radical distribution that we envision and, rather than whining continually about the declining Cool People scene in the area, we’re just gonna do it ourselves.
The eventually modified bus will serve as a mobile infoshop, food distribution for the unhoused, and possibly a small and mobile print shop.
Make Total Destroy was borne of our last community space that we had just outside of Phoenix. Notably, it was the print shop/maker space at that location and, in an effort to continue on after we ungracefully left due to conflicts with our Big-L Libertarian landlord, we decentralized the print shop efforts and have started to try and make the necessary money to reopen our space. Here we are.
We are currently making a lot of things, but here’s a small list:
Government watchlists
Most things we sell are designed by us. There are a few items that we sell that have been made by other creators that we (usually) get permission to sell. Our shirts are NOT screen printed because we are anti-screen printing for no real reason beyond not wanting to learn. Shirt prints are made via stencil and various dying or painting methods. Most of our shirts are expropriated from thrift store chains and we don’t usually make more than a few sizes or prints of the same shirt at one time.
If you see something you like and want to customize it, just let us know and we’ll get it made for you.
If you have some stuff you want printed or made, we are also offering print services. This is entirely at our discretion as we’re not going to print Trotskyist newspapers or MLM bullshit.